Join us at 10:45 AM Sundays Live!
One Church.
Wherever You Are.
Welcome to Monterey!
Latest News
Support Our Youth
Join us on Sunday morning in the main foyer for a BAKE SALE! That's right! Take home some goodies! We are raising funds for Youth Camp and also a Mission Trip this summer! We will have all kinds of goodies and welcome donations of baked goods to help us out!
Game Night
Join us on February 14th at 6 PM for a night of games, fun and fellowship! Anyone is invited to join in on the fun. Bring your favorite game & snacks!
Men’s Breakfast
Join us February 21st, (the third Friday of each month), at 7:30 AM for breakfast at Rudy's BBQ, 4930 S. Loop 289. This is a great time to get to know other men in the church... and bring a guest!
Do you know someone who is experiencing grief? Dr. David talks about how to be a good comforter to those who are grieving and doing things that are helpful to…
Worship With Us
Sundays at 10:45am
3601 50TH STREET