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Latest News

Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast

Join us September 20th (the third Friday of each month), at 7:30 AM for breakfast at Rudy's BBQ, 4930 S. Loop 289.  This is a great time to get to know other men in the church... and bring a guest!

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Ladies Brunch

Ladies Brunch

Ladies, join us in Fellowship Hall on September 28th at 10-11:30 AM for a brunch.  Bring your favorite dish to share and let's get to know one another.  Ladies of ALL ages invited!

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Widow’s Luncheon

Widow’s Luncheon

The Deacons and Wives of MBC cordially invite you as an honored guest to attend the Widow's Luncheon on Saturday, October 5th at 11:45 AM.  Come join us in Fellowship Hall for food, fun and fellowship.  Please RSVP to 806-799-5291 no later than 9.19.24.

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Relationships are a struggle. Even the relationships with the people we love. Why is that? And is there a way to deal with one another in a way that brings…
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Sundays at 10:45am


3601 50TH STREET